Creativity & Design

Shark Tank Pitch

Skills: Oral & written communication, graphic design, problem solving, creativity

Summary: At the conclusion at my internship at Jackson, I was tasked with creating a recruiting strategy to implement on my college campus. The idea is titled "Next Stop: Jackson," with the pamphlet attached below.

*IW = Internal Wholesaler

Social Media

Skills: Graphic design, creativity, imagination, brainstorming, content planning

Summary: During the calendar year of 2023, I was the Marketing Chair for Chi Omega Rho Mu. My main responsibility was running our Instagram account and generating content to appeal to our audience. Some examples are attached below.

Instagram: @chiodepaul


Skills: Marketing, sales, customer service, photography, photo editing

Summary: In my free time, I enjoy selling my unwanted items online. Aside from enabling me to earn a bit of extra cash, it has taught me the how fundamental customer service and marketing skills are for any business. Click the buttons below to check out my shops!


Written & Oral Communication